Posted by: jmwilsonmga | December 11, 2012

Zero Tolerance Policy

Hearing the words “zero tolerance policy” always bugged me – in school, in the workplace, with my parents – who can REALLY have a zero tolerance policy?  Let’s not be so inflexible people!  Well, here I am, at the age of 33 and I’m finding that

I have a zero tolerance policy.

How can this be happening?  I’m not old, I’m flexible with my kids and to be quite frank, I feel that I’m pretty easy-going!  But alas, as I was pulling out of my favorite coffee spot just up the road, the oncoming vehicle that was going to be turning in to the lot, didn’t use his blinker.  Right then and there I realized, I’m beginning to see that

I have little to no tolerance for the lack of “courtesies” to others.

You’re probably thinking I just have a good ol’ case of road rage (which might be a tad bit true).  But I find that I’m short in the tolerance department for other things as well: when people don’t say good-bye before they hang up the phone, when the nurse at the doctor’s office doesn’t smile at my sick child, when the person walking out of the store in front of me lets the door swing and practically hits me in the face!

This gets my mind wondering: in this day and age of instant gratification, people walking and texting, and good customer service almost a thing of the past – are we so wrapped up in our own world that our manners and being nice to people are a thing of the past?  Have you caught yourself in the middle of a phone call and realize you are doing something else?  Maybe you are checking email, trying to have a conversation with someone lurking in your doorway, or just won’t put “words with friends” down long enough to pay attention to your caller.

I think it’s time to go back to basics with our manners and all around people skills:

  1. Mind your manners.  Please, thank you, you’re welcome.  My two-year old has mastered all these – so can you!
  2. Smile!  Simple.  Just do it!
  3. Choose your attitude.  This can seem more daunting than what it is.  If you are having a rough time, try breaking down your issue into chunks.  Then try to deal with each chunk and realize its importance.  Maybe it’s not worth getting so upset about?  Not sure – the choice is yours!
  4. You’re not alone.  Unless you work in a dark cave somewhere, you come in contact with someone every day.  Pay attention to them, their need, their request.  Especially if you are in a service industry; your customer is the reason you are in existence.

My point is this: respect the person you are in contact with.

Everyone is busy.  Everyone is running around in this crazy thing we call our life but everyone deserves respect.  Remember that any interaction you have with someone else may affect their day; whether you realize it or not.  Why not make it a positive effect?

Erin-HersonMarch-2012About the Author : Erin Herson, Underwriting & Agency Relations Manager

Erin Herson joined J.M. Wilson in 2009.  She is responsible for underwriting, teaching Continual Education courses, as well as establishing and developing new agency relationships.  She loves the people that she works with and finding creative solutions to their needs.  Outside of the office, Erin enjoys working out, spending time with her children, golfing, cooking, and of course, shopping.
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Copyright 2012 J.M. Wilson Corporation

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